Eco-Conscious Deep Cleaning Checklist


If there’s one place you can be your messiest self, it’s your home. We’re talking late-night cupcake masterpieces, 浴室染发剂实验, and post-snowball-fight hot chocolate sipped by the stove (和 地板上, 还有沙发)

尽管我们尽了最大的努力让我们的空间闪闪发光,但有时生活有其他的计划. 这就是为什么偶尔的深度清洁会对保持你的家清新干净有很大的帮助. 和 when that deep clean also helps the environment? 现在 这是 感觉良好的清洁.

不知从何开始? This deep dive into deep cleaning is for you. 我们将分解基本的深层清洁清单-你应该清洁哪里, commonly overlooked nooks and crannies, 和 环保清洁剂 that can help you get the job done. 


在我们深入研究完美的十大彩票网赌平台为你的家带来火花之前, 让我们从一些必要的空间开始我们的深度清洁清单——包括一些经常被遗忘的空间, dust-collecting nooks and crannies.


厨房可能是你家里最经常打扫的地方. Even if you’re a champ at doing your dishes, wiping your counters and stovetop, and cleaning up basic spills or sticky spots at least semi-regularly, a deep clean can often reveal some surprises in the kitchen. 

To return your kitchen to tip-top shape, 让我们来探索一些你可能会在日常待办事项列表中忽略的厨房深层清洁事项:

  • The sink drain and garbage disposal -自生自灭, 你的水槽排水管, and garbage disposal can develop odors and build up bacteria. 现在,当谈到 如何清洗水槽, there are many different methods. 使用环保清洁剂, 排水沟蛇, or even an old toothbrush to clear out clogs, 杀死细菌, and eliminate not-so-pleasant smells.
  • 冰箱里 – It’s a tedious job, but someone has to do it. Removing all of the food from your fridge to wipe down the shelves, 抽屉, 冰箱的墙壁会消除异味,提醒你扔掉几个月来的剩饭剩菜. 
  • 引擎盖通风口 -也许你不小心把黄油烤焦了,或者你喜欢把那些炒好的蔬菜烤焦. 无论哪种情况, 在炉子上安装一个风扇是去除烟雾和有害气味的主要方法, but the vent can also suck up tiny food particles, 油脂, 和尘埃. All of which can accumulate on the surface. Scrub it down with a damp sponge and a 植物动力洗洁精 抗油脂设计. Ours features a readily biodegradable formula, too.
  • 垃圾桶 -随着时间的推移,垃圾桶的内外肯定会溅上一些水花或变得粘稠not to mention the 地板上 and wall space around it.ECOS万能清洁剂 to eliminate odors and accumulated bacteria.
  • 厨房的橱柜 – It’s easy to remember to clean your kitchen appliances, 但别忘了厨房橱柜里可能堆积的灰尘和碎屑. 把橱柜里的东西拿出来,用肥皂水或清洁喷雾好好擦洗一下架子和墙壁.

和, 一如既往地, don’t forget the essential house cleaning steps—sweeping, 拖地, 除尘, 擦拭表面. 


就像你的厨房一样,家里的任何浴室都会随着时间的推移而积聚污垢. 除了通常的灰尘和污垢堆积,困扰着你的家的其他地方, 研究表明,冲厕所可能会将与废物有关的细菌传播到整个浴室.

除了清扫, 拖地, 除尘, 擦拭表面, make sure your bathroom cleaning checklist includes the following areas:

  • The toilet (front, back, seat, and bowl)
  • 水槽和淋浴五金
  • 下水道
  • Grout in 地板上 tile, backsplashes, and countertops
  • Handles and hinges on closet doors, shower enclosures, and 橱柜
  • The insides of 抽屉 (especially where you store makeup)
  • 牙刷持有者
  • 药品柜
  • Shower curtain and tub walls and 地板上s
  • 风扇通风口

如果你决定在日常保养中加入更深层次的清洁, the bathroom should be at the top of your list. 学习 如何清洗淋浴器, 地板上, 橱柜, 定期清洁浴室的其他区域对你的日常清洁是有益的. 即使你只从上面的清单中添加了一些项目到你的每周清洁计划中, you’ll make a huge impact on your family’s health and safety. 


如果你有孩子,你就会知道他们带来的所有乐趣和快乐也会带来混乱因素. Hello, Play-Doh baked into the carpet. 彻底打扫孩子的房间是一个很好的机会,可以让他们参与进来,并教会他们打扫房间的乐趣. 

Consider the following clean-up tasks in your kiddo’s room:

  • Wiping down toys 和 inside of the toy box
  • Clean windows, mirrors, and window sills
  • 清理衣橱里的灰尘(并创建一堆旧衣服的捐赠)
  • Wiping or replacing drawer liners
  • Cleaning underneath and behind the bed
  • Vacuum and deodorize the mattress and box spring
  • 打扫书架
  • Organizing jewelry and accessories

定期对孩子的房间进行深度清洁可以帮助他们保持基本的清洁, teach them about the importance of keeping a space hygienic and safe, and give you peace of mind about their health.



虽然你可以通过简单地关上门来隐藏房间里的杂物和灰尘, it’s much harder to conceal dust, 污垢, and clutter in common living spaces like the living room, 家庭房, 窝, 或者餐厅. 

而全面, 拖地, 除尘, 擦拭表面 should certainly be on your deep cleaning list, 考虑使用以下策略来充分利用你的闪光点:

  • Vacuum the couch cushions (and underneath them)
  • 除尘 lampshades and light fixtures
  • 回收旧杂志(或将它们添加到孩子的工艺品箱中)
  • Sweeping up dust underneath rugs
  • Cleaning underneath and behind furniture
  • Wiping photo or artwork frames
  • Cleaning the TV 和 wall behind it
  • Decluttering bookshelves and entertainment center 橱柜
  • Washing the dishes inside china 橱柜
  • Wiping down mini-bars or beverage stations
  • 除尘 air vents and fan blades
  • 打磨家具


To ensure your sleep is as refreshing as it is restful, don’t skimp on the bedroom during your deep cleaning session. 多项研究表明,保持一个干净的空间与改善身体健康有关, decreased cortisol (the “stress hormone”), 还有更好的睡眠. 

Your bedroom deep-cleaning checklist should include sweeping, 拖地, 除尘, 擦拭表面, 洗你的亚麻布. 但别忘了清理其他重要空间的杂物、污垢、灰尘和污垢,比如:

  • Dresser and nightstand 抽屉 and 橱柜
  • 家具下面和后面
  • 在地毯下面
  • 你的床垫和弹簧箱
  • 你的门把手和铰链
  • The mirror, windows, and window sills
  • 前门和后门
  • 你的床头板和床架
  • The back and top shelves of your closet

当清洗, 一定要确保你的私人空间和你家里的其他地方得到同样的关注. 



确保你的深层清洁对地球和你的家一样友好, 在你开始追求一个无尘无污的家之前,储备一些可持续的清洁用品和环保意识的清洁剂是必须的. 

While there are other cleaning supplies you might want for special areas (马桶清洁器(我们在看你),以下是我们的深层清洁必需品清单:

  • 除尘 – All you really need to get rid of dust is a damp cloth, but if you find any sticky spots, you can spritz them with a bit of 通用的清洁.
  • 脱脂 – Wondering how the olive oil made its way to the stair banister? You’ll have to solve that mystery for yourself, but you can easily remove spots of oil and 油脂 with warm water, 一块海绵, 再挤一点 ECOS洗洁精.
  • 消毒 为了避免深层清洁造成伤害,避免使用含有漂白剂等刺激性化学物质的消毒剂. 相反,寻找含有过氧化氢的抗菌溶液,比如ECOS 一步消毒清洁剂.
  • 去污 -如果你仔细检查沙发发现那个可疑的黑点是 肯定 不是阴影,有一种环保的去污剂也能解决这个问题,比如这个 去除污渍和气味 从ECOS.
  • 来增添一些光彩 – Save spit-shining for your shoes and embrace the power of ECOS’ 家具清洁剂和上光剂.
  • 对付难闻的气味 不要用小苏打和醋溶液(这会损坏你的床垫), 家具面料, 和地毯),并选择用更安全的成分制成的除臭剂来消除气味,而不是掩盖它们.
  • 对于其他的一切 – For surface wiping in all other areas, having a safer and sustainable 通用的清洁 在手是必要的.

十大彩票网赌平台 to Avoid While Deep Cleaning

Finally, finding time for a deep clean can be a huge relief. 当你告别上赛季足球训练留下的泥巴和角落里三年前的蜘蛛网时, 重要的是要确保你带回家的任何清洁十大彩票网赌平台都不会比任何污垢更糟糕. 

Common household cleaners like bleach, 氨, and many more can give grief to our bodies and our homes, and many are linked to health issues and disorders. +, given that so much of our cleaning goes down the drain, 我们还冒着将毒素引入脆弱环境和水生生态系统的风险.

Want an easy way to spot safer products? Look for the 安全的选择 label—a sign that the U.S. 环境保护署已经认证他们只使用对你(和对大十大赌博官方正规网址母亲)有益的成分.

Embrace Eco-conscious Cleaning With ECOS

What’s even more satisfying than unveiling your home’s pristine potential? 答案是使用对人和宠物更安全、不含刺激性物质的十大彩票网赌平台. Both your furniture and your planet will thank you.

We believe that having access to 更安全的清洁十大彩票网赌平台 是最重要的. 我们plant-powered, 可持续的清洁方法正在帮助世界各地的家庭在不引入苛刻的情况下拥抱清洁生活, potentially harmful substances into their homes.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 揭开厕所烟羽气溶胶的盖子:文献综述及对未来研究的建议.,adrift%20in%20the%20air%20currents. 
今日心理学. The Powerful Psychology Behind Cleanliness.
" class="hidden">中国医科大学航空总医院